“Dear Journal… Hi, it’s me Doug…..”

(Ten points to anyone who can name that cartoon!)

This blog project ends in 24 hours.  My girlfriend has spent nine months sitting in front of a computer everyday, expressing thoughts, feelings, and insights about a time that wasn’t wanted, but happened anyway.  Some healing took place, some friends were made, some laughs and tears were shared.  This is not a closing blog (Marie gets to figure out how to do that tomorrow), this instead is a thank you.  An award acceptance speech, so to speak.  In today’s go-fast-to-go-faster mentality, sometimes a little gesture as a formal thank you gets overlooked.  So I’m taking it upon myself to make sure it doesn’t get overlooked this time.  With that being said….

Thank you Isreal, Canada, New Zealend, Northern Cali, Colorado, Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, and Del Mar.

Thanks for reading, thanks for being a part of this.  Thanks for saying the things that I couldn’t bring myself to say, thanks for saying the things I didn’t know how to say.  Thanks for laughing, thanks for crying.  Thanks for the friendships.  Thanks for the comments, the insight, the thought.  Thanks for putting up with my last post, and this one.  Thanks for the chocolate (pop rocks in chocolate, who knew – thanks in advance for sending more of that……I’ll send CLIF bars.)  Thanks to the guys of the these amazing women, who let me know it’s ok to talk.   Thanks for putting up with the short posts, the long posts, the silly posts, and the time-filling posts.  Thanks for the memories. Finally, THANKS FOR THE LOVE.

I can go on, but really it can’t be put into words (or maybe it could, but I’m no Marie when it comes to writing).  From the bottom of my heart, I hope that this blog these past nine months did as much for all of you as it has for us.  I hope that one day we will all be in the place we want to be.

Thank you again,


Quailman & Patty Mayonnaise, Halloween 2009

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10 Responses to “Dear Journal… Hi, it’s me Doug…..”

  1. Sara says:

    The cartoon would be “Doug”, duh!

    No Porkchop for your Halloween costume?

  2. mommyodyssey says:

    AWWWW!!! Thanks Doug! That is so sweet of you! And thank you for giving up the quality time with your woman so she could spend countless hours putting up with my ramblings.
    I promise to send tons more of that poprocks chocolate to make up for it!

  3. Christina says:

    I think it is fantastic how actively you participated in things! I can’t speak for Marie, but I know I would appreciate that beyond measure from my man (and do).

    You’re welcome and thank you!

    ps- Adorable Doug costumes!! I think Skeeter would be a bit harder to pull off…

  4. erin says:

    Where’s the solana beach? Represent!

  5. Josey says:

    Love this post. 🙂

    I wish my husband was more involved with my blogging. I think at times right now he feels like it’s taking away from him instead of allowing him to understand me more. Then again, he has maybe read two of my posts ever. Oops. I love how involved you are!

    I can’t wait until Marie figured out her next adventure in writing. In the meantime, I’m going to have to start reading this blog from the beginning just to get my bakery fix!

  6. Cannot express how epically awesome that picture is!
    I too wish my hubby would take more of an interest in my blogging, he thinks it’s dorky… But it’s not like I really encourage him to read it either. I don’t know how he would feel about some of the intimate stuff I talk about.
    We do love you guys, and wish you all the very best!

  7. bodegabliss says:

    Doug, that was so wonderful! Thanks for being such an amazing support system for that girl of yours that we adore so much.


  8. Stephanie says:

    Doug, so well said. And you are welcome from Portland! Who knew you were a writer too!?!? This post has made me cry. I am sad that I will no longer have something to look forward to every night after the kids go to bed. Although I know there is a new project in the works, a new book if you will, the fact that this incredibly insightful, humorous, honest, raw, and sometimes emotionally heart wrenching book is over, is sad.

    Marie I feel as though this blog has helped me to reconnect with you after so many years, if only one sided. I feel that I have shared in something very special and intimate with you. I see your progress and know that this is just the beginning to your continued healing. I feel like we should hug now or something. So, from 1200 miles away, *hug*. Thanks for letting me, and the world in to your self discovery and inner most thoughts. Although our experiences differ, there was always some feeling that I could relate to, some situation we shared, and some emotions we felt together.

    You have taught all of us, so privileged to have read your blog, about life, love, and family.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

  9. Dawn says:

    Bravo Doug!! I remember when I first met you….at the bowling alley, when your “date” didn’t show up. I thought you looked so young and so silly and I just didn’t get it. I was so wrong. ( and I obviously forgot that my hubby is younger and silly)

    Over the years i’ve seen the stand-up man that you are under the sillies. 🙂 And I think you’re just the best guy for my sister. I appreciate that you care enough to try be the best man that you can be and I know that you will be an excellent husband and awesome dad. D-O-U-G!!! Goooooooo Doug!!

    I was just telling Joe yesterday that I am thankfull that he’s goofy because sometimes I am just too damn serious. So… hooray for the younger, silly guys in our lives!

    Love that picture…. I think I know the photographer?! 🙂

  10. Arohanui says:

    Hi Doug! How great to read this!
    Thanks mate 🙂

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